Trauma center
Level II Trauma Center in Salt Lake City, Utah
St. Mark's Hospital is verified by the American College of Surgeons as a Level II Trauma Center.
Our trauma center differs from a normal ER in several ways, namely that we utilize a quality assessment program and provide back-up trauma care to rural and community hospitals. We also maintain transfer agreements with other hospitals for patients who need more comprehensive, Level I Trauma Center care.
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Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
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Specialized trauma treatment
- Ability to care for critically injured patients 24/7
- Care that is coordinated and a treatment environment that is not chaotic
- Immediate access to everything you might need, including universal blood, upon arrival
- Trauma specialists are available 24/7
The trauma program at St. Mark’s Hospital encompasses:
- Level II Trauma Center
- Trauma Outpatient Clinic for follow-up care
- Trauma Registry
- Performance Improvement
- Trauma Prevention and Education
What is a trauma registry?
The registry tracks trauma trends over time and provides data to The National Trauma Database for research projects in trauma care. Registry information is used by trauma professionals to develop patient care standards and direct performance improvement initiatives, to create education programs for the public on safety and injury prevention and to impact legislation.
What is a Trauma Performance Improvement Program?
An important role of a Trauma Center is to ensure that trauma patients continue to heal and recover. The Registry provides data that is used within the Performance Improvement Program to evaluate the care given.
A team of trauma professionals meets regularly to review the quality of care and identify issues that affect patient care. Once these issues are identified, the team develops recommendations, which may include creating educational programs and treatment guidelines and protocols based on current trauma research and practice.