Ear, nose and throat
ENT Doctors in Payson, Utah
At our hospitals, our ENT doctors offer surgical and nonsurgical care to help treat your ENT conditions, including allergies, sinus infections, ear aches and even related cancers.
Otolaryngology refers to the medical specialty of caring for the structures of the head and neck. For this reason, doctors who care for conditions impacting these parts of your body are often referred to as "ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists."
Expert advice, available 24/7
Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Treatments we offer for ENT conditions
Our teams offer a range of diagnostic, screening, treatment and follow-up care services. Whether you need surgery, minimally invasive procedures or other types of care, we can help.
Some otolaryngology procedures we offer include:
- Acoustic neuroma removal
- Adenoidectomy
- Audiometry
- Blepharoplasty
- Botox injections
- Cataract surgery
- Cochlear implants
- Dermabrasions
- Ear surgery
- Glossectomy
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngoscopy
- Myringotomy
- Parathyroid surgery
- Parotidectomy
- Rhinoplasty
- Salivary gland surgery
- Septoplasty
- Surgical procedures for sinusitis
- Thyroid surgery
- Tonsillectomy
- Tracheotomy
ENT conditions we treat
We treat all types of ENT disorders and injuries, including those related to the face, nose, mouth, ears, esophagus and throat. We are also experts in conditions affecting senses such as taste, smell and hearing.
Some of the common conditions we treat include:
- Allergies, including "hay fever"
- Barotrauma (Decompression Sickness)
- Dizziness, vertigo and balance disorders
- Ear infections (otitis)
- Sinusitis
- Snoring
- Sore throat (Pharyngitis)
- Strep throat
- Tinnitus
- Tonsillitis
ENT cancers
Our teams are specially trained to care for cancers of the head and neck, including:
- Esophageal cancer
- Hypopharyngeal cancer
- Laryngeal cancer
- Laryngopharyngeal cancer
- Nasal cancer
- Nasopharyngeal cancer
- Oropharyngeal cancer
- Paranasal sinus cancer
- Pharyngeal cancer
- Sinus cancer
- Throat cancer
- Thyroid cancer