For visitors
Entrance hours
Main(Entrance 1)
Mon-Fri, 7:30am — 5:00pm
Visitor (Entrance 2)
Mon-Fri, 9:00am — 5:00pm
Emergency (Entrance 3)
Women in labor should enter at the emergency entrance.
Surgery (Entrance 4)
Mon-Fri, 5:1 am — 6:00pm
After hours and weeekend access
- Go to EMERGENCY (Entrance 3) to check in
- For surgeries before 5:15 am, call (801) 465-7191 for admittance.
This map shows the Mountain View Hospital campus with surrounding streets. 100 N/SR-198 runs east/west on the north side of the campus. 1000 E runs north/south on the west side of the campus. 100 S runs east/west on the south side of the campus. Professional Way runs north/south along the east side of the block. Patient/visitor parking is designated on the full west side of campus near the Emergency, Visitor and Main entrances to the north and around the side and back of the Medical Plaza Building. Patient/visitor parking is also designated in the covered portion of the parking structure in the southwest corner of campus. Patient/visitor parking is also designated on the east by the Surgery Entrance. Physician parking is designated to the south and east of the Surgery Entrance. Staff parking is designated in other areas including to the south, the top of the parking structure, and by the northeast drive off of 100 N/SR-198.
The building on the west side of the campus is the Medical Plaza Building. Mountain View Hospital is the main building in the center of campus. The Parking Garage is on the southwest corner of the campus.
Visitor guidelines and hours
- Please check the department specific hours listed below. Otherwise, visitors are welcome anytime. However, we reserve the right to limit or restrict visitors in the interest of our patients’ health at any time.
- Quiet hours are 8:00 pm – 6:00 am. Please help us maintain a healing environment for our patients.
- Latex balloons are NOT permitted in the hospital.
- Violent behavior is NOT tolerated in the hospital.
- Mountain View Hospital is a smoke-free campus.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Visiting Hours are from 7:00am to 10:00pm.
- Only visitors with a designated code can obtain patient information by phone.
- A maximum of two visitors may be present in the patient’s room at any given time.
- Visitors may not stay overnight.
- To mitigate the risk of infection, all visitors must be 14 or older.
- To enter, please ring bell outside of the ICU.
Behavioral Health and Alcohol and Chemical Treatment (ACT) Visitors
- Visiting Hours
- 6:30pm - 8:00pm, 7 Days A Week
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm, Sat & Sun only
- When you arrive at the hospital, call (801) 465-7495 from your car to let us know you are here.
- You must have the patient code to enter.
- Please leave belongings in your car.
- Gifts are not allowed.
- Check in at the ER.
- Once inside, follow the trail to the East Elevators/Waiting Area.
- For the safety and healing of our patients (your friends and/or family), visitors must leave ALL personal items including phones, jackets, keys in the lockers provided.
Interpreters are available to assist non-English speaking and hearing-impaired patients and families. Please indicate a need for these services in advance if possible, otherwise when you arrive.
Spiritual care
Mountain View Hospital provides services to address the spiritual and emotional needs of patients and their families, offering culturally sensitive support through life’s most challenging moments. Our chaplains are dedicated to helping those coping with new diagnoses, navigating grief and loss, or facing end-of-life concerns. We also provide specialized spiritual support for patients dealing with mental health issues and those in detox, recognizing the unique challenges and strength required in these journeys.
Stay connected with Wi-Fi internet access
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hospital. Choose “Guest_Access” when searching for wireless connections.
Gift shop
- The Gift Shop is open five days a week. It offers candy, latex-free balloons, cards, stuffed animals, coloring books, blankets, personal care items and many other quality gifts.
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Dining hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00am – 9:30am, 11:30am – 1:30pm, 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30am – 9:30am, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
The cafeteria is located on the first floor of the Main Hospital. Cash, checks, credit and debit cards are accepted. If you are dining on evenings or weekends the only forms of payment are debit and credit cards.
Phone directory
Smoking policy
To promote health for patients, families, and staff, Mountain View Hospital is a smoke-free facility. We ask that you refrain from smoking inside the hospital or on the grounds.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients.