Mental health and wellness
Mental health center in Weber County, Utah
At Ogden Regional Medical Center, we are dedicated to offering compassion and dignity as we treat people who have mental health issues.
As part of this, our doctors are "trauma aware," understanding how past experiences have a significant influence on an individual's current experience. When a patient first visits us for an assessment, we specifically ask about past trauma. This is a way to help us develop improved treatment planning, greater understanding of a patient's current behavior and an increased awareness of traumatic triggers.
To get help now, the first thing to do is to reach out. From there, we can help you determine the best next step.
Expert advice, available 24/7
Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Free medical information is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Related specialties
Learn more about our related specialties
For more information about Ogden Regional Medical Center's behavioral services, call us at (855) 755-5955.
For Mental Health Intensive Outpatient (IOP) intake, please call (801) 479-2610.
Inpatient psychiatric care
We provide inpatient psychiatric treatment for adults with mental illness and for those who are struggling with addiction. Our psychiatrists and mental health teams offer immediate diagnosis, intervention and stabilization, even in behavioral health crisis situations.
Our 12-bed behavioral health unit ensures privacy and is located in its own wing. It provides a peaceful setting and enables patients to have a speedy recovery.
Treatment options and services
Designed to address each patient's individual needs, our services and treatments include:
- Assessments, including 24/7 crisis assessments
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Family support and education groups
- Grief management
- Group and individual therapy
- Group and individual follow-up treatment
- Medication assessment
- Psycho-educational groups
- Pastoral care services
If you are in an emergency situation, including a situation in which harmful or suicidal behaviors are possible, call 911.
Substance abuse program
Addiction specialists at our Alcohol and Chemical Treatment (ACT) Center help patients cope with the many behavioral, psychological and social factors that contribute to substance use. That's why we now offer five addiction recovery programs. Patients can participate in any program separately or transition through various levels as they go through substance abuse treatment. This comprehensive approach offers new hope for achieving long-term sobriety.
Our five distinct levels of care include:
- Medical detox program
- Partial hospitalization (day-treatment) program: 28 days
- Inpatient treatment program: 28 days
- Residential program: 30-90 days
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP): 56 days
We now also offer a virtual intensive outpatient drug and alcohol recovery program. This program helps patients recover and maintain sobriety even when they can't leave the house.
Pet therapy
We are proud to offer pet therapy at our hospital for our patients and guests. An animal visit to a hospitalized patient can lift spirits, lower blood pressure, induce relaxation, reduce stress, decrease loneliness and bring a bit of diversion and enrichment to their day.
We work only with accredited pet therapy providers. Each owner/pet team meets stringent membership, behavior and grooming requirements, including:
- Pet teams are currently certified society members and have completed/renewed training
- Pet owners have passed a background check
- Pet owners provide proof of their pet's current veterinary exam and vaccinations
- Pet teams complete hospital orientation and follow hospital procedures and protocol regarding infection control, safety, ethics, confidentiality and privacy
- Therapy animals are groomed according to society standards immediately prior to a hospital visit, this includes: bathing, nails clipped, teeth brushed, ears cleaned, dander/order spray applied and coat brushed
Participating in pet therapy
Visits are based on the patient’s condition and team availability. Pet teams serve as hospital volunteers, wearing a uniform and badge. A team may not be available every day. The nurse will let patients know when a pet team is scheduled on the unit.
What to expect during pet therapy
Therapy animals are non-threatening, affectionate and nurturing creatures who offer warm companionship and unconditional love to patients. Patients can expect this type of interaction during pet therapy. First, the pet owner will introduce the team and position a clean pad for the animal to sit or lay upon. Patients are invited to stroke and visit with the animal. At the conclusion of the visit, the owner will assist the patient with hand cleaning and dispose of the pad.
Personal pets in the hospital
Personal pets may visit only with approval after meeting the hospital’s stringent health and grooming standards. Ask for policy AB946-49 Animals and Pets in the Hospital.