Patient information
Patient resources
Online registration
We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.
Participating insurance plans
We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.
Advance care planning
Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.
Patient rights and responsibilities
We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.
Welcome Patients and Visitors
Our mission
Together, we commit to provide healing, hope and comfort to all we serve.
Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. We meet our mission by adhering to the following values:
- I: Integrity - Do the Right thing
- C: Compassion - Do the Kind thing
- A: Accountability - Do the Responsible thing
- R: Respect - Do the Considerate thing
- E: Excellence - Do the Best thing
We strive to offer a patient and family friendly environment and understand that having a loved one close is important to many patients. We do not have formal visiting hours, but most units have specific visiting policies based on patient needs. Your nurse can explain these to you. We ask visitors to be sensitive to the needs of our patients for rest and request courtesy to others at all times.
- Minimum age for visitors: 18 years old
- ER patients may have one visitor.
- Overnight Patients not diagnosed with, or being tested for COVID-19: one visitor ata time.
- Pediatric and NICU patients may have both parents present.
- Patients diagnosed with, or being tested for COVID-19: one individual visitor during the entirety of stay. Visitor must be a member of patient’s household. More information: 801-479-2127
- Outpatient or surgical procedures patients: One support person can wait in the hospital.
- ALL visitors will be asked to complete a screening at the hospital’s entrance.
- Visitors with fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of respiratory illness not allowed.
- All persons in the hospital must wear face coverings; ensure social distance of 6 feet or more and wash or sanitize hands before entering the facility, before and after being in patient rooms.
- Special circumstances may require visiting outside guidelines. Contact Supervisor: 801-317-7888.
Simply said, we put patients first at Ogden Regional Medical Center. We sincerely care for every patient and their family members as if they were part of our family.
That means we will deliver high-quality healthcare while paying personal attention to you. We will do our best to anticipate and meet your individual needs while making you as comfortable as possible.
Each of us recognizes the importance of caring for the whole patient, and not only focusing on the heath concern that brought him or her to our hospital. That's why we are committed to showing compassion and simple kindness whenever we interact with our patients and their families.
We are dedicated to high-quality care and healing at Ogden Regional Medical Center in Weber County. Our entire team promises to put you and your wellbeing first at all times.
Our promise to you
At Ogden Regional Medical Center, we are united in promising to do the following for each and every patient:
- Greet you promptly and courteously
- Treat you as a person, with dignity and respect
- Respond to your needs in a timely manner
- Show you that we sincerely care by listening and valuing your concerns, and resolve them to the best of our ability
- Include you as an active member of our healthcare team
- Discuss all decisions regarding your health care with you, and your family if you desire
- Promptly provide you with the most accurate information available
- Provide you with a safe and secure healing environment
Accommodations and services
Dietary and nutrition
Meal trays are delivered at 7:00am, 11:00am and 3:30pm. Because of the number of meals being served, serving times may vary slightly for each patient care area. Depending on the type of diet your physician has ordered, you may have the option of selecting your meals from a menu. In addition, coffee, juice and soft drinks are available in most patient areas. If you require a special diet, check with your nurse before bringing in additional food or drink. If you miss a meal because of tests or treatment, ask your nurse about ordering a late tray.
Wireless internet access (WiFI)
With high-speed wireless Internet access (WiFi), hospital patients and visitors have fast, reliable access to the Internet and email. To connect to WiFi services at Ogden Regional Medical Center, follow these simple steps.
Friends and relatives may call your room by dialing "479-2" and your room number (except for the critical care unit). For example, the phone number of room #330 would be 479-2330. For local outside calls, dial the number you wish to call. Long distance calls may be made from a patient's room by dialing "0" for the hospital operator. To call an extension in our hospital add *9 to the extension number. For example: the phone number for extension 2591 would be *92591. If you need help placing a call, please ask your nurse.
Television and radio:
Channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12. Channel 3 broadcasts FM radio.
No smoking:
To promote health for patients, families, and staff, Ogden Regional Medical Center is a smoke-free facility. Everyone is asked not to smoke in the hospital or on the grounds.
Pastoral care:
Chaplains are available to offer spiritual and emotional care and support to patients, family, and friends. Call *92138 or dial the operator for assistance. A chapel is located between the IMC (second wing) and ICU (third wing) units for quiet reflection.