Patient information
Patient care is our most important job.
We want to make sure your experience is as pleasant as possible. This section contains information about
the services and resources available to the patients and visitors.
Patient resources
Patient resources
Online registration
We know your time is valuable. That's why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.
Participating insurance plans
We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.
Advance care planning
Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.
Patient rights and responsibilities
We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.
- You will come in contact with many different people who will ask you the same type of questions several times. Please be patient, this is done to provide safe and effective care to every patient who walks through our doors.
- Please bring any past medical records you may have.
- If you or your loved one has any special needs, let your nurse know so that special considerations can be provided.
- Ask what to expect while you or your loved one is in the hospital
- If you have any questions for your doctor or nurse, write the questions down as you think of them, that way you will not forget them. When your doctor or nurse comes to see you refer to your list of questions.
- We want you to understand everything that we are doing for you or your loved one. If you did not understand the answer to your question, ask the person to explain the answer to you again until you understand.
- Please do not leave visiting children unattended.
- There are areas in the hospital that visitors cannot go into. Please read all signs in the area that you are in.
- You may hear what is called a "code" over the speakers. If you need to do anything special, your nurse will inform you.