Welcome to the world: Bennett Crosby White
Megan White couldn’t tell if the tight squeezes she felt were cramps or contractions. This was her first pregnancy, and everything about growing a human felt new. To figure it out, she downloaded an app that times the sensations, and then she continued watching reality TV. But it didn’t take long for Megan to notice the increasing frequency and intensity of the feelings — this was it! This was Megan’s day to give birth to her baby!
“Within the hour we realized it was the real deal. By the time we left for the hospital, the contractions were five minutes apart, and each one lasted for one minute. I thought they were intense then — but they were going to get worse.” Megan said.
Megan and her husband Crosby chose to deliver at Lone Peak Hospital, a facility just 10 minutes from their Bluffdale home. After arriving at Lone Peak, Megan and Crosby went to a triage room where they learned that Megan was dilated to a two. They walked the hospital halls for an hour, but Megan’s body didn’t progress much, so Crosby drove Megan home to sleep and continue laboring.
“The hospital gave me some morphine so I could sleep, but when we got home the pain grew so intense and the medicine wasn’t touching it. It was the worst pain! I took a bath and a shower, and by 5 a.m. I said I had to go back to the hospital,” Megan said.
Returning to Lone Peak, the expectant couple learned that an abnormal number of babies had decided to arrive on this cold February morning. With the busy delivery day, Megan spent some time breathing through contractions while waiting for a room to be prepared.
“I was freaking out! I was dilated to a six by then,” Megan said. “My nurses were so kind and attentive, and I ended up getting a really nice room.”
A special room on the third floor was transformed into a delivery area especially for Megan.
“The nurse told me no one had ever delivered on that floor! I was the first. When we got there, people were busily setting up with all the things you need to have a baby — the instruments and warmers and equipment.”
Looking back, Megan said the way the nurses compassionately cared for her through this time brought comfort, hope and strength.
“I’d go back there again because the nurses were incredible,” Megan said. “Even if I had to deliver in the hallway, I’d go back again because of how much they cared.”
Once settled into her fresh, spacious room, Megan received an epidural from anesthesiologist Dr. Tyler Borg. Though anxious about receiving an epidural, Megan said Dr. Borg was fantastic and it went smoothly. She even learned of a special connection they had — Megan teaches first grade at the same elementary school Dr. Borg’s wife teaches music.
Unfortunately, soon after receiving the epidural, Megan’s blood pressure began to tank. She felt woozy and sick; at the same time, Nurse Britain began searching for Baby Boy’s heartbeat but couldn’t find it.
“I could see in her face she was nervous, but she stayed calm,” Megan said. “She called for help and, even it was an emergent situation, people ran in and explained what they were doing so it didn’t feel scary at all.”
Thankfully, it only took a few minutes for Megan to feel better, and Baby’s heartbeat to register as normal.
With an epidural in place and a beautiful room to deliver, Megan felt officially ready to welcome her little boy into the world.
At 9 a.m., Dr. Rachel Orr broke Megan’s water; just 30 minutes later the pushing began. To Megan, it all went by so quickly. She had carried this baby for nine months, and within just a few hours it was time to look her little one in the eyes. By 1:52 p.m. on Feb. 28, 2024, Bennett Crosby White entered the world.
“As he was coming out, we saw that he had tons of hair. He was just perfect! Once all the way out, we saw the fullest head of hair and that he was a little chunky. When they laid him on my chest, he stopped crying. I like to think he was happy to see me. It was like magic,” Megan said.
Bennett weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long. He was instantly loved and admired by all who met him.
Since his arrival, Bennett has continued capturing hearts while growing big and strong.
“He’s gaining weight, eating well and only wakes up once a night to eat. He’s pretty much the perfect baby,” Megan said.