Take me to St. Mark’s Hospital: Compassionate orthopedic care
Imagine strolling Italy’s cobblestone streets hand-in-hand with your loved one and not being able to take a step without severe pain. While Shauna Fuoco toured Italy, she gripped her husband’s hand for support and tensed up due to a knee pain that felt all too familiar. Six years prior, Shauna had received a total knee replacement; now, her other knee radiated and throbbed with identical discomfort.
Shauna’s knee issues are traced back to genetics. Her dad, brothers, and sisters have all endured total knee replacement surgeries.
“We just have bad knees,” Shauna said with a shrug. “And after that trip to Italy, I knew it was time for another surgery. My knee pain was just awful. I could tell exactly where the bone was rubbing on bone.”
Shauna received her first total knee replacement at St. Mark’s Hospital from Dr. Michael Bourne and had a wonderful experience. However, because Dr. Bourne retired, Shauna sought recommendations for a new surgeon she could trust.
“People kept referring me to Dr. Nikolaus. They told me he was marvelous, and I soon learned that they were right!” Shauna said. “He was so warm, kind, and caring that I just knew I was in good hands.”
Dr. O. Brant Nikolaus is an orthopedic surgeon at Salt Lake Orthopedic Clinic specializing in hip and knee replacements and performing surgery at St. Mark’s Hospital. He attended the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota, for medical school and an orthopedic surgery residency, and he also completed a fellowship in advanced hip and knee reconstruction in North Carolina.
Compassionate health care brings comfort and quality to life
Although Shauna had experienced a total knee replacement before, she felt great anxiety about undergoing another surgery. Thankfully, Dr. Nikolaus and his team provided compassionate care.
“I get high blood pressure and feel nervous at doctors’ offices, but they calm me down. The nurse was a doll, and Frankie, the physician assistant, put me right at ease. Then Dr. Nikolaus came in and was so reassuring. I would have had surgery the next day. I felt so comfortable!” Shauna said.
While the knee replacement surgery sounded similar to what she had experienced before, one aspect of the care had changed dramatically.
“You now go home the very same day as the surgery. When Dr. Nikolaus told me that, I said, ‘No way! I was in the hospital so long with the other knee,’ but he assured me that I’d feel better at home in my own bed, and he told me if I wasn’t comfortable after surgery, we’d come up with a new plan,” Shauna said.
On the big day, Shauna arrived at the newly constructed section of St. Mark’s Hospital. Her nerves felt jittery, but her medical team's professional and genuine care provided a calming balm. Before she knew it, she was waking up to hear about her successful surgery.
“I woke up what seemed like 5 minutes later, and they told me my knee would be so much better now. They told me it had been so bad and had so many bone spurs, and they said now my knee would be awesome,” Shauna said. “Those nurses were concerned and sensitive and caring. They sweetly took care of me for about half a day, and then I was ready to go home and begin the road to recovery.”
Based on this experience and her many past experiences, Shauna says she refuses to go to any hospital besides St. Mark’s.
“I say, ‘Take me to St. Mark’s Hospital’ because I love it here. It’s close, it’s clean, and they’re kind,” Shauna said. “I won’t go anywhere else. I tell everyone about St. Mark’s, and now I tell them about Dr. Nikolaus. In fact, I have already referred two people who are having knee replacements by Dr. Nikolaus – a family member and a friend. The friend is having it done tomorrow!”
Walking forward with less pain and more hope
For the first couple weeks after Shauna’s total knee replacement surgery, a nurse and physical therapist visited her home to assess the surgical site, change dressings, and promote movement. Next, Shauna attended twice-weekly physical therapy at St. Mark’s Hospital, where her strength and range of motion increased. Today, Shauna rejoices in the benefits of walking and moving with ease.
“I can play with my grandkids better. I feel more energy, and I’m happier because I’m not in pain,” Shauna said.
Shauna and her husband, Jim, are planning another trip to Italy, and she believes it will be much more enjoyable this time.
Salt Lake Orthopedic Clinic offers same-day consults with a joint specialist for all new injuries. Be seen today or the very next business day. To learn more, visit SaltLakeOrthopedics.com or call (801) 261-7479.