Take me to Timpanogos Regional Hospital for advanced care of mom and baby
For Steve and Madi Harrison, a young couple in Springville, pregnancy came with a rush of varied feelings — they desperately wanted this baby yet worry and fear intermingled with their excitement.
Madi was born with a blood clotting disorder as well as a malformed uterus. Before their successful pregnancy, Madi underwent a uterine reconstructive surgery, two miscarriages and fertility treatments. With her blood clotting disorder and medical history, Madi knew her pregnancy and delivery came with high risks. To successfully deliver her baby she’d need the best health care possible.
“I was so scared, but I knew Timpanogos Regional Hospital would take care of us and give the best chance for both me and my baby to be ok,” Madi said. Timpanogos Regional Hospital provides comprehensive care for mothers and babies, including specialized maternal-fetal medicine, neonatologists and perinatologists. At just six weeks pregnant, Madi suffered a subchorionic hemorrhage (a bleed between the uterine lining and placenta). Willing to do anything for her baby, Madi paused her education and work pursuits and embraced complete bedrest.
“One night, at 28 weeks, my water broke,” Madi remembers. “Steve asked what we should do, and I said, ‘Take me to Timpanogos because they know what they’re doing and they have a good NICU.’ Even though we drove by two or three hospitals along the way, I knew that’s where we were supposed to go.”
The nurses and physicians at Timpanogos swept Madi up, admitting her to the hospital for antepartum care in attempts to delay delivery as long as possible. “I have such a tender spot in my heart for the nurses and docs at Timp. They are so sweet! This all happened in the middle of COVID, so I didn’t have a group of visitors to keep me company. They would listen, calm my fears and talk me through every step,” Madi said.
After two weeks of hospital bedrest, Madi’s body went into labor and the high-risk delivery began.
“Every single OB in the hospital knew the plan. They knew my blood type and what to do for my blood clotting disorder. They wheeled me into the OR for a C-section, and the anesthesiologist held my hand and told me everything was going to be ok — and everything was,” Madi said.
Madi’s body endured and recovered from the delivery magnificently, and Nash Michael Harrison entered the world weighing just 3 lbs 5 oz. His parents could cup their hands and cradle his entire body. With his still-developing lungs and just 29 weeks and 6 days of gestation, the medical team quickly admitted Nash to the NICU for extra care.
In the Level III NICU, Timpanogos’ specialized medical teams can care for babies as young as 24 weeks gestation and as small as one pound.
Nash spent 49 days growing stronger and developing in the NICU. He progressed from a ventilator to a CPAP to nasal oxygen tubes to breathing on his own. With time his body could regulate his temperature, and eventually he learned to feed from a bottle. Madi and Steve dedicated hours each day to snuggling him, and expert nurses monitored and cared for him around the clock. “I was really impressed with the level of care they provided and the level they’d let us be involved with Nash’s care,” Steve said. “We held him as long as we wanted, and the doctors and nurses explained everything, so we were always aware of what was going on. It made for a very relaxing atmosphere.” Madi agrees.
“The nurses were so kind and reassuring, and I had complete confidence in them. They’d comfort me when I needed it and celebrate milestones and little victories with us.” Nash continues to grow and reach milestones. Just last week he found his voice, and every day he gets closer to rolling over. He’s an attentive blue-eyed babe, who loves smiling at his adoring parents.
“He’s doing great! We are so thankful for the care at Timp. Everyone was on the ball and upbeat, and that kept us calm. Even though we went through high-stress situations, they handled everything with confidence and let me be by Nash and Madi’s sides every step of the way. We’re so grateful,” Steve said.