An ER visit with the best care
Imagine chronic abdominal pain that can come on at any time and be so severe that it can't always be managed by over-the-counter pain medication. Combine that with a bout of Covid-19 and a bladder infection. This was Merry Elliott's reality on July 6, 2022.
"I had a sharp abdominal pain that steadily got worse, and having lived with chronic pancreatitis since 2014, I knew what was happening," Merry said.
Merry called a friend to take her to the emergency room. Being fairly new to Logan, she relied on a recommendation to come to Cache Valley Hospital.
"I explained to the ER registration clerk what was going on with me and that I had Covid. Nurse Gary got me back right away and isolated me."
Next up came the standard procedures — questions from the doctor and some tests. The results? A bladder infection that was further exacerbating Merry's pain from the pancreatitis.
Merry was admitted to the hospital for observation and pain management, where she stayed for the next three days. "I was put in Room 118. It was nice and big!"
To hear Merry talk about Cache Valley Hospital, you might think she was referring to a trip to Disneyland as you listen to the way she fondly describes her experiences there.
"Dr. Bishop — she put the best care out there for me and had such a pleasant demeanor. As well as Derek, my ER nurse, who gave me the red carpet treatment. Not to mention Dr. Parker and Dr. Oates who were the best to me during my extended stay."
But it wasn't only the level of health care that Merry loved. It's the little things, as well. "I am so glad you guys let me wear my own pajamas," Merry said with a smile.
Because of Merry's chronic pancreatitis, she is no stranger to hospitals. And now that she lives in Logan, she says Cache Valley Hospital will be her go-to for future hospital care.
"It's a lot better. At other hospitals you might interact with many different doctors all in the same day, so you don't get the continuity of care. Cache Valley Hospital provides more one-one-one care. Everyone was wonderful. I want to say thank you to all them."