Bonnie's miracle
We've probably all watched a medical television show where the patient crashes, "Code Blue" is called over the intercom, and a room fills with nurses and doctors all fighting to save the person. While those instances are quite rare in real life, they do occur. And when it happened to Bonnie Norman, she was grateful for the life-saving care she received at Brigham City Community Hospital.
Bonnie was in the hospital for her second hip replacement. "After the surgery, the doctor said everything went as planned. Picture perfect!"
The surgery had, in fact, gone very well. But about 90 minutes later while Bonnie's husband, Roger, was feeding her orange Jello, her head suddenly flopped down.
A nurse ran in and checked for a pulse. Nothing. She called a Code Blue, and within 30 seconds the room was filled with caregivers as they started CPR and other lifesaving measures. Roger recalls the nurse administering CPR yelling, “Come on, Bonnie! Come on!”
Thankfully, after a few long minutes, Bonnie was back.
"The first thing I remember is Roger saying, 'Did you see the light?' I thought that was a dumb question and replied, 'NO, I didn’t see the light!”
Despite the ordeal, Bonnie knows that something like this is one of the risks that can come with any medical procedure, and she has nothing but praise for her doctor and all the caregivers at Brigham City Community Hospital.
"Every experience we have had at Brigham City Community Hospital has been very caring and wonderful," Bonnie says. "We've never had to wonder, 'Do I matter?,' whether we're coming to the ER or for something else. You're not just part of the 'machine' there — you're treated like a real person."
Bonnie says she feels it was a miracle. "They told me I could expect broken ribs because of the CPR, but I didn't have any. No stroke, no broken ribs, no heart attack. Through all of this, you just know who's in charge. And it wasn't us."
That was just over a month ago, and Bonnie is healing very well. In fact, her husband says she is doing better than ever. “With a good therapist, a wheelchair, later a walker, and now a cane, I can no longer keep up with her!” Roger says. “All in all, we consider this one of the many miracles the Lord has blessed us with over the years.”